house calls, emergencies, senior care, dentals, speciality surgery, chiropractic care, petloss group
Our Mission Statement:
We continually strive to provide exceptional care to our clients;
to help our patients achieve longer, healthier lives;
to provide high-quality medical care;
to treat our clients - and our patients - as we, ourselves expect to be treated and
to make the practice grow and prosper.
Established in 1988, the Lanoka Oaks Veterinary Center is a modern, well-respected veterinary practice located in Lanoka Harbor, NJ. Symbolic of the roots we have established within the community is the magnificent Oak tree located in front of our state-of-the-art facility. The tree represents the strength of our most significant asset, our friendly and committed staff. With over 100 years of combined veterinary experience, our staff is dedicated to the health and well-being of your pet and truly understands the very real nature of the bond between human and their pets.
Keywords: wellness, senior care, house calls, dentals, speciality surgery, petloss support group, animal chiropratic care, client education, community and school tours and education